Athang Training Academy

Athang Training Academy is a part of the Athang Private Limited that was incorporated as a limited company in the beginning of the year 2017. Athang has a very profound and an attainment story of its establishment. For over sixteen years, the company have connected clients to opportunities. It has made professions to thrive and helping many people realize their ambitions.

Read our story

Our founding

The company was born from one simple idea of “a suitable ICT-enable solution company”. The experiences of the past years have formed the character of the company and today, we are internationally recognized company with long term relation with the customers addressing to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Athang initially ventured into ICT areas with its core resource strength of just 3 people in June 2005. It was the brainchild of a dynamic, brainy and well experienced system Engineer, Mr. Karma Dendup, who has served in the Department of Information and Technology, Ministry of Information and Communication. With his extensive practical experiences in designing, deployment and management of small to large scale networks and also in designing and development of applications, it has now become one of the leading and pioneering firms driving the Bhutanese need in the field of ICT.

Not very distant from venturing into ICT areas by becoming fully operational company, Athang had demands among the clients which led the company to venture into providing professional training provider in the year 2009. With just over 10 years of experience in providing Professional trainings, the company won the confidence of many national and international professionals in the fields of Engineering, Management, ICT and Multimedia.


Athang is also well known for having created employment opportunity for youths in areas of multimedia and pioneered animation training in Bhutan. Its start-up ventures into the animation training and production led to the creation of one of the most popular animation character and film “Ap Bokto.” The film influenced the change in perception of animation among the youths and other people in Bhutan and in generating their interest to explore and pursue similar profession.

Our team

Dedicated to quality and your success

Karma Dhendup
Founder & CEO
Tshering Choki
Sonam Chophel
Tenzin Dorji
Yeshi Singye